Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I have just returned from my annual Paint Your Own Pottery CCSA Convention with all the other wonderful studio owners and boy is my head spinning. So much great information to share and learn and develop.

During our convention we held our annual Auction. Each year all the studios paint, fuse and build amazing pieces for the auction and all the proceeds go to the Vera Bradley Breast Cancer Foundation. This year my daughter, Tasha created our piece. It was a beautiful mirror with her "Birdi" line that she is developing. Thanks Tasha for the great piece. Cafe' Kiln also won a piece at the auction!
Heidi Floyd was our auctioneer this year and she was wonderful and so gracious. Heidi is a breast cancer survivor. Her story is amazing, as she was told that her future was dim, due to breast cancer and her pregnancy at the time, Heidi endured the fight of her life! FYI: She and her son are doing wonderful. Read Heidi's story at: http://verabradleyfoundation.blogspot.com/2009/09/firm-league-of-friendship.html.

Cafe' Kiln will be supporting this wonderful cause this month by donating a percentage of our sales to the Vera Bradley Breast Cancer Foundation. So come on in and help us out! See you at Cafe' Kiln. ~Natalie